Wednesday 5 March 2014

Tan Sri Datuk Tiong Hiew-King

Tan Sri Datuk Tiong Hiew-King is the Malaysian Chinese founder and chairman of the Rimbunan Hijau Group, a timber company founded in 1975. Its overseas timber operations in Papua New Guinea is the largest in that country. He also has interests in logging operations in Russia.

Tan Sri Datuk Tiong resides in Sibu, a town in Sarawak, of Borneo island that is part of Malaysia. Tiong is ranked by Forbes as the 840th richest person in the world with a net worth of about US$1.1 billion.

Two major Chinese national dailies in Malaysia which are Sin Chew Jit Poh and Guang Ming Daily also operated by Tiong's Rimbunan Hijau Group. Besides that, there are also The National Daily in Papua New Guinea and Ming Pao Holdings Ltd in Hong Kong. He is forging a global Chinese publishing group with his Ming Pao Enterprises which operates Ming Pao newspaper in San Francisco, New York, Vancouver and Toronto.

Back home in Sibu, Tiong and his family are members of the ruling Sarawak United People's Party (SUPP), a major party of the ruling coalition government in Sarawak. Tiong's younger brother Tiong Thai King has been the Member of Parliament of the Lanang Parliamentary Constituency in Sibu from 1995 to 2013.

Led by his privately held Rimbunan Hijau Group, Tiong Hiew King's businesses range from media and timber to oil and gas, and include 5 listed companies in Malaysia, Hong Kong and Singapore. He publishes 7 newspapers and 35 magazines and well known as the Rupert Murdoch of Chinese-language media. He now expanding into the e-textbook market in Hong Kong. He also announced plans to spin off his travel business and list it in Hong Kong. His logging operations from Papua New Guinea to New Zealand and in his native Sarawak continue to draw the ire of international environmental groups.

Tan Sri Datuk Sir Hiew is the number nine richest man in Malaysia which have 1.8 billion. Currently he is 78 years old, married and have 4 children. 


1 comment:

  1. Tan Sri Datuk Sir Hiew-king has made tremendous contribution in promoting unity among chinese people worldwide, thank you for sharing^^
